Monday, February 1, 2010

Mushroom Adventures

We see our sleeping garden out the back window each day and are looking forward to spring and the first growing season for all the boxes at once.

Jeff is taking on a big project this time by planning the beds and he has ordered seeds and a light tray to start everything at the time it is supposed to be:

But we have had a very interesting crop this week, from a Christmas present that Jeff gave me: a box of dirt. Well it is a special box because it has the right mix of ingredients (just add water and wait) to grow mushrooms.

Here is the first crop, almost ready to go.

I picked our first batch on a Saturday and a second batch on a Monday, so we had two delicious meals (our favorite way to prepare portobello mushrooms):

First, they marinate in a garlic/oil/balsamic vinegar mixture for an hour:

Then they grill (we stayed indoors this time and just used a stovetop griddle)

Some plum tomatoes too,

And then it goes on a toasted roll spread with ricotta, salt and pepper, a little more oil and vinegar and a few baby greens. Better than a burger, it really is. I know, "adventure" is maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it is kind of fun. We are supposed to get a harvest every two weeks for a couple of months if only I can remember to keep the soil damp. I am very neglectful of my houseplants . . .

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