Monday, October 10, 2011

Mount Desert Island Rocks: Day 2

I'm getting into extra detail on place names because if you are reading this you will definitely want to plan a trip sometime to this area . . and either everything around here is picture perfect, or we are just landing on really good spots for our vacation adventures . .seriously this place is unbelievable.

Today we made a list of all the things we want to do this week and set up some tour times and stuff, then decided this would be a good day to do Douwe's choice: a hike in the woods, and Jessica's choice: a hike by a waterfall.

Our morning hike started only a few blocks from our rental house and it went up to the top of Flying Mountain. It had a beautiful view of Somes Sound which is supposed to be the one fjord on the east coast? I think someone said. Douwe met a few other kids at the top and shared snack time with them. . We are seeing a lot of families with younger children so it is fun to see other kids hiking up mountains and enjoying it also.
We had snack time on the bottom of the mountain right on some waterfront rocks and saw lots of lobster bouys in the water.

For lunch we went into town (southwest harbor) and had some great food at Little Notch Bakery and decided to come back in a few days for sure to get some of their pizza after we tried a bite of Douwe's slice.

Our afternoon hike was so gorgeous I can't even believe it. We barely even went that far on the Hadlock Brook Trail, but we made it to Waterfall Bridge and it was beautiful. Douwe was the first to spot a rainbow in the falls and his favorite part of the whole day was climbing up higher than the trail to the top of the waterfall. The danger, the adventure, the spray, the rocks . this is as good as it gets for a four year old. I stayed below on the bridge and just relaxed and watched some people go by.

Then we scurried into Bar Harbor for low tide to check out the sand bar between our Island and Bar Island which turns into a path of dry land during low tide. We didn't make it across to the other island because we got too busy watching seagulls dropping shells onto rocks from above to crack them open, and watching a guy collect a colander full of live mussels? clams? and overturning rocks to find starfish and little creatures. .
Then we went to the harbor waterfront part of the town and walked the path a bit and saw the moon and a cruise ship and boys jumping off boulders and all kinds of exciting things, before finding a place for dinner and then having the most delicious flavor of ice-cream: Indian Pudding at the Mount Desert Ice Cream Shop.

A jam packed day of fun and I just have to add that it is October and the leaves are colorful and the summer congestion is gone, but it was over 75 degrees today. How could you improve on those conditions?

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