Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 34: The long and winding road

Gilbert and Anne. They could have been great friends and gradeschool sweethearts right away if it hadn't been for the unfortunate teasing nickname Gilbert used on Anne: "Carrots!" Anne absolutely hated having red hair and often imagined that it was turning a rich auburn but Gilbert reminded her that orange was the dominate hue and she vowed she would never forgive him for that injury.

I perfectly remember the spot in my school library where I was standing by the window and card catalog looking for a new book to read. My 4th grade teacher pulled Anne of Green Gables off the shelf and said it was a book she really enjoyed as a child. I had a great time over the next few months reading all the books in the Anne series, and then moving on to the Emily of New Moon trilogy.

The Anne of Green Gables series moves through its first several volumes before these two finally reconcile their past hurts and arguments, rivalries and silent treatments and take the first difficult steps of attempting to speak to one another again. Many friends and family members tell Anne outright that she is being silly to go on with her grudge for so many years, but she has some great fear to letting herself feel affection for Gilbert. Years go by, and it seems they will never reconcile, but then it finally happens. They have taken a very long and winding road to their first openly affectionate encounter, but that makes for a satisfying love story.

The original L.M. Montgomery novels are the best way to enjoy this story, but our family has many many good memories of watching a slightly revised take of the Anne chronicles as dramatized in the Anne of Green Gables mini-series and its sequel, Anne of Avonlea: 1985, 1987 made for TV starring Megan Follows as Anne and Megan Dewhurst as Marilla.

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