Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sharing etc.

Douwe has been learning a lot in the past few weeks, how to share his toys all day everyday, taking turns, sharing a lap for books, and getting the last word in a constant banter of "no, MY _____" (no MY shoes, no MY backpack, no MY cup etc. They laugh while they play this verbal game, but I'm not fooled, there is an undercurrent of hostility and territory protection going on here. "no, MY grandpa!") Douwe never thought of walking outside on his own, doing a somersault over the couch, or walking up steps without holding onto the rail, until he had a three-year old to keep up with. He is having a ton of fun playing with his new friend, but he is understandably a bit more keyed up and touchy than his usual calm self.

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