Monday, May 25, 2009

Week of the Bike

We don't have pictures for all, but we did three significant bike rides this week:
1. Oak Ridge Prairie County Park. It was a beautiful day for a picnic lunch and playing on the playground equipment, then we rode as far as Broadway Ave and back, about 6 miles.

2. Ride of Silence.
Photo credit to Don Sorsa.
This ride was in the city as part of a wider memorial to cyclists who are killed or injured by motor vehicles while biking. We rode with several other members of our church to remember Gerry who was killed on Route 41 in south Lake County, IN last May. Douwe and I had to drop out before the ride ended because the ride went about an hour longer than scheduled and it was getting dark and since it was about 8:40 pm Douwe had had enough. It was strange and sad to gather with about 150 other bicyclists around 5 different "ghost bikes" which were set up as markers in various parts of the city where different people had been killed.

3. Bike the Drive

Jeff and I have ridden this several times now, but this was Douwe's first experience of Lake Shore Drive reserved for bikes only. Douwe and I only did the south 1/2 of the ride (about 15 miles), but Jeff, Bill and Dan did the whole 30 mile circuit.

1 comment:

Sara said...

You go girl!
very impressive Jess! Looks like fun too.