Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 17: Blood on the Menu

When I was thinking more about the Levitical ban on eating and drinking blood, I was assuming that most people would try to avoid ingesting blood anyway. Not necessarily. Ever heard of black pudding? Another name for it is blood sausage. Or the German term Blutworst. Not Brotworst, Blutworst.

Many different cultural cuisines have dishes that are made of blood cooked with a filler so that when it cools, it becomes a solid. One way to learn more about these foods if you are interested is to read the Wikipedia article called Blood Sausage. Although I love learning new things all the time, sometimes I wonder if I was better off not knowing about certain things. This might be one of them. At least if I ever go to Germany I'll know not to order the Blutworst.

So yes, the ban on eating blood may have been a new restriction that the Hebrew people had to get used to after eating a much more varied menu during their years in Egypt.

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