Monday, November 24, 2008

No Photo Yet

Well since Douwe is walking, I am now officially nursing a toddler. We both are quite content with that status. He eats three regular meals in his chair at the table, drinks juice and has munchy snacks here and there, but when the dr's office asked: "Is he on 1%, 2% or whole milk?" The answer was "Mother's milk". Since I've always nursed "on cue", or as is now more accurate, "upon request", there is not really feeding times to drop, but he definitely forgets to ask some days what with all the exploring and walking and playing that can be done now. I never imagined I would nurse an older baby, but so far I highly recommend it. This article from La Leche League's website is seeming to be matching up with our reality: Benefits of Breastfeeding a Toddler. Very few sick days, and mild ones at that, a calm, easily comforted toddler who shows more signs of independence every day but still loves to snuggle, and a mom who is still benefiting from the mellowing effects of prolactin.

I wouldn't consider myself a breastfeeding activist, but I am definitely interested in encouraging more moms to resist the false conventional wisdom that withholding the breast at younger and younger ages is a sign of progress for the amazing species of mammal called homo sapiens.

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