Monday, June 9, 2008

Weekend in Holland

The lack of photos in this entry is proof of the adventurous weekend that Jeff had with Douwe and Steve. If camping solo with an 8 yr old and 9 month old were not challenging enough, it turned out that Jeff had joined Western Michigan's high school graduates who had the run of the Holland State Park for post-graduation "beach week". The first night was regularly punctuated by the noise of M-80s and airhorns. On the second evening, after hobo pies and before s'mores, a huge stormfront rolled onto land and hit the campground in Holland State Park. Jess was a few miles away at a college girlfriends' reunion, getting a weekend's worth of respite. After we girls' heard on tv that everyone was being urged to take shelter in a sturdy structure because of the intensity and duration of the storm, Jeff took the boys to a friend's cottage. Next morning he returned to assess the damage and heard from site neighbors that flash flooding the night before had put the tent and all contents (including camera, maybe even that plugged-in box fan?) into the middle of a temporary pond.

Jeff said the weekend was generally enjoyable but for that storm. Steve made sure I knew that a few curse words were uttered by Dad during site cleanup time. Jess has learned that can be tricky to be on "semi-available" mode. We'll see if the memory card in that camera survived the flooding.

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